Friday, April 15, 2011

One Year Ago, Today...

I started a new campaign and decided to create a blog to post session notes and house rules for my players, as well as essays on my gaming philosophy so they'd have some idea where I was coming from and why I do things the way I do.

When I first set up the blog, I didn't intend it for public viewing, but I went ahead and allowed unrestricted access because, although I didn't think anyone but a player in my campaign would be remotely interested in my blathering, if anyone wanted to read my posts they were welcome.

Somehow or other I've managed to attracted 81 followers over the past year and, ironically, only one of these actually plays with me.  So, I've missed my target audience, but inadvertently found another.  Even more surprising is that after one year and more than 140 posts, I'm still here and blathering.

That campaign I started last April is still in progress, although we've put it on temporary hold to take a break from dungeon delving and, instead, spend our Sunday evenings engaging in spirited table-top miniatures battles.  The consequence of this is that I no longer have a steady source of inspiration for blog posts.  So, hopefully, we will soon be back in the dungeon and I can continue my scheduled broadcast.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read, and most especially to post comments.  Getting to know you all has been the most rewarding part of blogging.  Here's to another year.


  1. No blathering. This is one of the most consistently high quality blogs around, and 81 just doesn't do it justice.

    How's the game coming along? That's something else I'll bet many of us are interested in, and looking forward to hearing about over the next year.

  2. I enjoy your blog, a lot. Doesn't really matter to me what you write about because I'm interested in what you have to say. It's a good blog and a great blogger, you are.

    Congrats on making it one year and Happy Anniversary.

    Here's to many more posts :-)

  3. The time seems to fly. Once you've started down the Blog path, forever will it dominate your destiny...

    Happy Anniversary, and keep up the great posts!

  4. My blogging originally started out as two blogs that I combined into one: one for session reports ("Labyrinth Log") and one for pulp art dumps ("Cyclopeatron"). I eventually combined them, and it's all evolved into something pretty different over the last year... My players don't really read my blog anyway... :)

  5. Congratulations Sean!! Here's to another great year :)

  6. Thanks for the kind words and well-wishes, everyone!

  7. Congrats on the one year of blogging... wishing you another good year of gaming & writing :)

  8. Sure thing. They're all true. Keep up the great work.

  9. Congratulations on a year. Keep on bloggin'! ;)
