Welcome Back to the Labyrinth

"We have been away far too long, my friends," Ashoka declared, his face lit by the eldritch green glow of his staff. "But we have finally returned to the labyrinth whence our adventures first began."

"Just imagine the treasures that lie within," said Yun Tai, flexing his mighty muscles. "Wealth enough to live in luxury the rest of our days."

"And arcane artifacts of great power," added Ashoka his words dripping with avarice. "All ours for the taking!"

"Umm...guys?" Nysa interrupted. "Do you hear something dripping?"

Monday, February 11, 2013

A New Blog For New Times

Things have been pretty quiet here the last few months, and my posts have been few and far between.  There are a couple of reasons for this: after nearly three years of blogging about old school gaming I'm starting to run out of things to say, and I've lately been devoting most of my time to writing fiction.  I've dabbled at writing short stories, on and off, for the past twenty-five years and I've accumulated a good few rejection letters over the years (yes my stories go back to the days when they were submitted and rejected via the post office).  Anyway, I've decided to stop dabbling and get serious about the craft.

As part of this new path I'm on, I've started a new blog, Lore Deposits and Other Rich Veins, which is a platform to promote my fiction, but is also a broad forum for me to post about writing, books, movies, natural history and other things that interest me, including gaming and miniatures.  And it is there that I will be most actively posting from now on.

So my posts here at the Flaming Faggot are going to continue to be infrequent for the foreseeable future, though I will try to make at least a couple of posts each month - I'll try to keep up my session reports at least.  I'll also continue to follow and read all my favourite old school blogs and remain part of the OSR community, but with less active participation.

I hope you'll all join me on the new blog.  Although it isn't as gaming-centric as this one is, there will be plenty of interest, especially since many of you share my interests and tastes in literature, movies, and geek culture.



Trey said...

I'll be checking the new one out.

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy New Blog, Day. I went over and joined. Good luck and have fun.

Sean Robson said...

Thanks, Whisk!

Dan said...

Sounds good Sean. Will definitely check it out...