Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dragon Princes of Caledor

I've been spending most of the last two weeks painting up a unit of Warhammer High Elf Dragon Princes of Caledor for the GW Winnipeg store's display case.  The set will be released on October 2nd, so here's a sneak peak:

The level of detail in these sculpts is amazing and they were a great deal of fun to paint, though very time consuming - especially the standard bearer, because free-handing the dragon was pretty fiddly.


  1. Nice job Sean! Start getting your Golden Goblin entry ready :)

  2. Wow they look great. After being a Warhammer Fantasy RPG fan for a long time, I just recently took the plunge with the Skull Pass set and the Orcs & Goblins set. Hopefully when I'm done with both, mine can come within 50% of how good your models look.

  3. VERY impressive paint job Sean. Mark had e-mailed me asking if I would like to paint the Lion Guard (or something like that), but I couldn't get a hold of him. By the time I did, it was too late.
    While I am a decent painter, i'm not very fast and there just wasn't enough time for me to finish them.
    Oh well, maybe next time.

  4. Thanks guys!

    @John: now is a great time to jump into Warhammer with the new edition just out. They've made so many advances with casting in plastic in the last few years that the models are cheaper and better looking than ever before. I hope you have fun painting up your orcs and goblins!

    @Nykster: yeah, there is always a time crunch painting for GW; they usually need to have the models on display well before the release and there isn't a lot of lead time, so painting fast is vital.
